Wompost was established in 2018 and has been working hard to divert organic waste from landfills ever since!
Values and mission text bloc goes here lorem ipsum idk how to speak latin but you feel me
Values and mission text bloc goes here lorem ipsum idk how to speak latin but you feel me
Carolyn Pace
Owner/General Manager She/Her Carolyn started Wompost in 2018. Before she became the queen of compost, she worked with Colorado farmer cooperatives and local food businesses. Her personal mission is to use business as a tool to make positive social, economic, and environmental changes in the world. She started Wompost because she wished someone would come to her house and pick up her food waste! After years of wishing, she realized she might as well make it possible for herself and others. She promptly bought a pickup, designed a website, and started slinging compost. Outside of work she is passionate about local politics, justice, and good education systems. She also loves to rock climb, kayak, ski, dance, and garden. You can catch her at night on stilts performing in circus exhibitions, or at Burning Man. "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyse a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love Madz Swofford
Head of Communications and Education, Driver She/He Madz is a recent transplant to Colorado from Tennessee. After dropping out of high school and obtaining her G.E.D., she took up work outdoors, pursuing an eclectic number of jobs from tour guiding, to veterinary work, to driving horse drawn carriages. She cultivated a curiosity and love for environmental progress, and her partner first taught her about composting using coffee grounds and eggshells in their back yard. Outside of work, Madz dabbles in illustration, graphic design, and all forms of storytelling she can get her gremlin claws on. Madz joined the Wompost team in 2021, and has been loving it ever since! “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.” - Napoleon Bonaparte “Is it banana bread? Then yes, I want it. I will literally always want it.” - Madz Swofford |
Poe Genung
Director of Operations They/Them Poe spent most of their formative years as a tiny pink lizard stealing the lost teeth of small children (parents said it was something called a ‘tooth fairy’ so there wouldn’t be a panic.) but eventually ran out of teeth to steal. After a stint mass producing small toy dinosaurs crafted in their own image, Poe spontaneously morphed into a contributing member of human society. When they first signed on with Wompost they were under the impression that it was a tye-dye production facility, but they’ve been perfectly happy to help us handle the compost anyway. Alex Vehicle Tech/Driver He/Him Alex is a cosmic nomad that ended up in Colorado from a chain reaction of chemical freakin compounds. Working since the age of 15 in a late stage capitalist hellscape, he developed a high mechanical aptitude, a love of helping others, and a low tolerance for authority figures and corporations trying to oppress folks. A proud highschool dropout with an intense passion for the environment and social equity, he never felt like he fit in at other jobs. The people and the corporate interests did not align with him. But, a curious human, Alex is always searching. After years of fighting hopelessness in the state of our world, Alex also found his love for the environment growing. Now, a sober and recovering alcoholic he feels very grateful to have found a job that encourages his love for the earth. LANDBACK. “I'm amped to work at wompost. A place that supports my values with an incredible team of hardworking and caring individuals.” - Alex “I struggle to see a point of searching for the walls beside us” -J.L. hippo campus |