Commercial Collections
We come to your business and pick up your food scraps, coffee grounds, paper towels, and most BPI certified greenware! Available across the Denver metropolitan area. We are happy to serve many types of businesses, such as restaurants, hospitals, schools, offices, places of worship, and more. Get your 65 gallon cart and a pickup subscription with us today! Our 65 gallon cart can hold up to 300 lbs.
Compost Speaker
Need a speaker to engage your green team or club about sustainability? We can help. We provide an engaging hour class on composting for adults, and we can teach Kindergarten through 12th grade. You will learn why composting is key for fighting climate change, get into cool science, and answer all of the questions about where our waste ends up.
$200/ hour
Price too high?
If the price seems too high for your monthly budget, PLEASE contact us. We offer generous, need-based discounts for individuals AND businesses who want to do the right thing, but can't quite afford it. We use these fees to cover all of our hauling costs, and paying a living wage in Aurora. We are committed to compensating fairly for this hard work and having a workplace culture where no one is exploited. If you can justify the cost, we give great value for the price!